in VR

2021.1.1 Eos Released!

From Vircadia: link to original post

2021.1.1 Eos Released!

Written by Kalila L

Apr 9, 2021

What’s new?

We’ve added quite a few features and fixes in this release. Here’s a sample.

New Onboarding Wizard

Vircadia’s tutorial now has a wizard that lets you configure your graphics settings and display name when you first start. This will help improve the overall experience when users come to Vircadia for the first time.

Graphics Improvements

  • Transparency on shape entities now works correctly.
  • Gizmo, Image, and Text entities now support material entities on them!
  • Vertex colors on glTF models are now corrected and accurate.

Better Domain Moderation

  • Banning users now works more effectively to prevent them from coming back right away. Also, there’s a new button in the “People” app that allows you to ban a user by IP address as well.
  • The messaging mixer now has the ability to limit the amount of messages each user/node can send per second.
  • You can now allow or restrict users’ ability to use avatar entities on your domain.
  • The Domain Server outputs web panel access events to the log in order to help you keep track of things people do with your Domain’s settings.


There have been many changes and improvements in the ecosystem.

You can view the full release notes here.

Thanks to this month’s testers and code reviewers!

The community and active development group is larger and more diverse than you’d expect!

There is much time and effort put into continually testing and reviewing new changes to the Vircadia project’s many core components.

Dale Glass

Code Reviewer


Code Reviewer






Code Reviewer







Join the Metaverse Revolution

Vircadia is a FLOSS decentralized metaverse platform. It is cross platform, with support for Windows, OSX, Linux, & Android. Development is distributed across many volunteers and committed through their various contributions, big and small.


We need documentation writers! The platform is constantly evolving and has plenty of documentation to help new users and veteran develoeprs alike take full advantage of it. Even the small things make a huge impact.

If you are multilingual, our international users could use your help!

If you simply want to help out on small things such as typos, errors, short guides, etc… your help and participation is appreciated!


Vircadia has many components, you can contribute to any of the following:

  • Interface
    • C++
    • JavaScript
    • Web Apps (Vue.js, etc.)
    • QML
  • Server
    • C++
    • HTML + JavaScript
  • Metaverse Server
    • TypeScript
  • Metaverse Dashboard
    • Interface created with Vue.js
    • HTML + JavaScript
  • Launcher
    • Made with Node.js and Electron
    • Interface created with Vue.js
    • HTML + JavaScript

Engine. Platform. Metaverse.