in Strategy, Turnbased

Wesnoth: Wesnoth for iOS now free on the Apple App Store

From Wesnoth: link to original post

As of October 24, The Battle for Wesnoth for iOS is now permanently available for free on the Apple App Store.

We made the decision to make the game available for free on iOS after facing various technical difficulties keeping the game updated on that platform resulting from changes made during the 1.15.x development series, as well as other non-code-related complications. This also seemed like a fair thing to do given that — for the longest time — players of Wesnoth on Android devices had been able to obtain the game for free from Google Play, albeit maintained by an unaffiliated party.

As for the implications this has for the Battle for Wesnoth Project's finances, we believe that with the addition of optional donation channels in the form of LiberaPay and the storefront, the project should be able to continue its operations as normal without any impact to server infrastructure in particular. Nevertheless, we intend to look into additional funding options for the purpose of art, music and other commissions further down the line.

Finally, we plan to make Wesnoth 1.16 available on the App Store as a free automatic update for all who already own Wesnoth 1.14 in the future, but we do not have an exact time-frame for this. It is our hope that you will bear with us as we sort things out on that front.

Thank you for your understanding.

Statistics: Posted by Iris — October 24th, 2021, 2:52 am — Replies 0 — Views 1625