in Engine, FPS

Request for testing on PR for Linux users and mouse buttons

From ZDoom: link to original post

While working on Raze, I've noticed the SDL interface under Linux can sometimes appear to miss mouse clicks. I looked into this and SDL is properly sending through the events, but sometimes the click down and click up can both be read before the game has processed the click down, meaning nothing happens.

I've submitted PR #1509 to note down that if any keys go down during the processing of events and if there is a key up event for the same key in the same cycle, delay it until the next cycle. This effectively ensures all mouse clicks and key events get processed no matter what.

I've tested this and it works great but I'm only one Linux user, we'd love some further testing and I've presented it to GZDoom as it's got the larger audience. Other benefits this could have for all platforms are that it would make fast spinning of the mouse wheel a lot more reliable to ensuring all the event gets properly processed.


Statistics: Posted by mjr4077au — Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:52 am — Replies 0 — Views 42