in Racing

Yorg: Q4 2022 update

From Yorg: link to original post

Q4 2022 update

Hi! Here is an update about my development progresses, as of Q4 2022.


I have implemented the scene editor. It has two goals:

  • it should increase the development speed since creating a new scene should be easier;
  • users may use it for creating new scenes for the game.

As for the latter, hopefully it may create a little community around the game.

Here is a screenshot of the level editor.

Minor improvements

I have worked on other minor improvements. As instance, I have added an animation at the beginning of the scene. Moreover, in the scene menu you will see if you have already completed a scene.

Article by Jugando En Linux

Here is an awesome article about pMachines by Jugando En Linux! Thank you so much!

Trailer video

If it is the first time that you read about pMachines, you may want to watch its trailer video.

Support me

Finally, I would love if you may consider to support me. As usual, you may consider our campaign on Patreon (minimum pledge: only $1!). Thank you very much!