in Arcade, Space

Naev 0.10.3

From Naev Blarg: link to original post

The Naev DevTeam is proud to announce the release of Naev version 0.10.3. This release fixes several important crashes among other minor fixes. It is highly recommended to update to as soon as possible.

Although it has been tested, there are almost certainly still bugs around, please report any issues on this tracker, and feel free to join one of our chatrooms or discussion boards (here).

You can get the latest version from any of the following sources:

Get - Github

Get - Steam

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Get - Flathub

Naev 0.10.0 official trailer.

Changes since 0.10.2

  • Fixed crash when using fits currently selected ship outfit filter
  • Fixed escorts always being set to aggressive when loading a save
  • Fixed Dvaered standing cap increase being lost after loading game
  • Made space dust a bit less bright when it starts turning into lines
  • derelict_rescue: play money sound instead of victory sound on completion
  • Rehab: fixed crash when aborting rehabilitation missions
  • Foundation Station, Efferey: fixed not using pirate landing script