in Engine

Castle Game Engine: New component to place Tiled map in a viewport

From Castle Game Engine: link to original post

Tiled snow map Tiled beach map Tiled map - layers Tiled map in 3D Tiled map

Following the Tiled improvements and optimizations done in January, it was most natural to introduce a dedicated class TCastleTiledMap that represents a Tiled map in a viewport. It descends from TCastleTransform and thus can be moved, rotated, scaled (in 2D or 3D), just like anything else in the viewport.

The usage demo, along with many sample maps, is in examples/tiled/map_viewer_in_viewport.

Most important Tiled-specific API:

The full documentation is in Tiled map manual page.

Many thanks go to Freedomax for implementing animations on Tiled maps and providing a lot of Tiled fixes (seams fix, ForceTilesetSpacing, proper Z-order of tiles in all situations, relative URL fix…) and examples!