in Engine

Castle Game Engine: Play “Gem Islands” made using Castle Game Engine

From Castle Game Engine: link to original post

"Gem Islands" "Gem Islands" "Gem Islands" "Gem Islands" "Gem Islands"

I love doing these news posts — it’s great to see how our engine is actually used to build games and worlds we can explore.

Looking for a game to play over the weekend? Gem Islands is a medieval knight adventure game in the third-person view. There are 5 islands, different weapons (short and long range), items, minimap and lots of things to explore. The source code is available too! Head over to the game site at to read the proper description and download the game for free. If you’d like to post a comment, you can also use the existing forum thread about the game. Enjoy!

Game by Didisoft.

P.S. Pssst — do you develop a project using Castle Game Engine? I am really happy to be able to post about your projects, whether “very in-progress” or “finished” or anything in-between. It makes me (Michalis) very happy — because this is ultimately the purpose of Castle Game Engine, to allow us to do pretty things that we enjoy. It also shows everyone what the engine is capable of, which is another bonus point. Everyone: feel invited to post about your project(s) in the “Show Your Projects” section on the forum or similar channel on our Discord. Show us screenshots, tell us about your experience with CGE (good things? bad things? anything on roadmap you’d like to see sooner?), give us downloads (only if you want)… Thank you!